Video -

The videos for are grouped into the areas 
Search, Present, Analyse, and Use.

Watch an introductory video by clicking the MUST SEE button below.


Simple Search

The most simplistic way for searching in the patent database is the Simple Search. Hits can be found by keywords or a patent number.

History of Searches / Saved Searches

By means of these features you can keep a perfect overview of your search efforts; so you are able to refine your searches to achieve the desired results output.



Learn how to efficiently organize your search results in projects

Projects & Saved Searches Tree

Learn how to organize your patent work by virtue of Projects and respective Saved Searches in a Tree structure.



One-screen display of important quality criteria (Geographical distribution, Classification, Assignments, Grants, and Oppositions) of a selected patent set.


Use citation analysis (forward and/or backward) to learn more about your portfolio or search results.


Applicant Consolidation

In Statistics and on the Dashboard, you are able to summarize patents by ownership, irregardless of existing spelling errors or organizational changes.